5 Step Plan to Get Your Diet Mojo Back
5 Step Plan to Get Your Diet Mojo Back
Have you ever lost your mojo? I think everyone has at some point or another, when you lose your mojo it can be hard to find it again, but it like when you lose your car keys, if you don’t find them you are not going to get too far. [quote float=”left”]When you lose your mojo it can be hard to find it again, but like when you lose your car key, if you don’t find it you are not going to get too far.[/quote] Just like when you lose your car keys, they are not always found in one place, sometimes they are down the side of the sofa, sometimes they are in your jacket pocket, sometimes they are in the drawer, or sometimes they are somewhere really weird!
Your Mojo is like that too, when you lose your Mojo and then get your diet mojo back, when you lose it again, you think you will find it in the same place, but sometimes you have to try different things to get your diet mojo back. S0metimes you need to find a different motivation, it really is all to do with your mindset.
As everyone is different I asked our Secret Slimmers to share their tips on how they got their diet mojo back… Follow my 5 Step plan and get inspiration from the secret slimmers mindset mojo tips, there’s a list of very varied ideas below, have a read through them and see if it helps you to get your diet mojo back. 🙂
5 Step Plan to Get Your Diet Mojo Back
- Get Super Clear on WHY you wan to lose weight, and WHAT it will mean to you if you do achieve it, but also get clear on what impact it will have on your life if you don’t lose weight. I have a great PDF you can print off to fill in to help you with this. LOSING WEIGHT IS ALL ABOUT MINDSET. Read the tips below from our Secret Slimmers community to help you get your Mojo back by THINKING in a way that EMPOWERS & MOTIVATES YOU!
- Go for a walk on your own and think about all the reasons WHY you want to lose weight and what it would mean to your life. Go somewhere beautiful where you can really connect with nature and take the time to get a clear head and get focused.
- Plan your SUCCESS, when you know what you want to achieve and you are organised, it helps you to feel in control and get your mojo back. Our worksheet SET-FOR-SUCCESS-SUNDAY is a great starting point for planning your success and happiness. Print it out and fill it in.
- Go to bed ORGANISED. If you are going to start tomorrow, go to bed with everything organised for the next day. Have your products set out, have your blender ready, have your trainers and joggers sitting beside the bed so you can wake up early and go for a morning walk. Have your day planned out and everything organised BEFORE you go to sleep. Make sure you go to bed early, have a nice bath, and a good sleep.
- Wake up, SMILE, and look yourself in the mirror and say THIS IS MY TIME, and give it YOUR ALL!! 🙂
Here are some more fantastic tips from our Secret Slimmers group to inspire you to get excited and get your mojo back…
[quote]My best tip, and what inspires me is…Einstein said insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. That’s why I did the New you plan ~ Lorraine[/quote]
[quote]Imagine what you would look like with all the bad things in your body, imagine what your life would be like, how unhealthy you would still be then imagine what you would look like without all those bad things, imagine what you could achieve, how you would feel, imagine all the things those bad people will say when they see the New You! It really helps me focus !! Love New You xxxx ~ Kate[/quote]
[quote]I once said on here what you eat in private you wear in public!!! Simple as that, always trying to tell myself no one will know, but its YOU that will know and you are the person that will feel bad about yourself after that blip… Keep focused keep thinking about what you will look like when you lose 1/2/3 stone or whatever amount of stones you need to lose, I tell you nothing you could ever eat will give you the feeling that u will get from been confident and comfortable in whatever you choose to wear on that special occasion/Christmas party etc.. Go for it, it’s only a few short weeks out of your life, trust me I’m so near goal and it feels amazing… Good luck to everyone on your journeys xx ~ Karen[/quote]
[quote]I saw a quote at some stage that said “eat like you love yourself”….. it helped me understand why I kept binging on crap……~ Sue[/quote]
[quote]My sister once told me “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” I keep repeating that to myself every time I want to blip x ~ Lisa[/quote]
[quote]For me the mindset work sheets are magically life changing. Nothing will work unless you get your head in the game, believe yourself skinny! Mind over matter is my motto. And secondly, I just love the concept of water being a fat dissolving liquid I can picture my flab pouring into the loo every time!!! Works for me lol ~ Rachel[/quote]
[quote]This is a hard one. I think it’s different for everyone. It’s an awful feeling to not be losing and the mojo goes out the window. So I think for me I come on here and look at other people’s success’s and challenges and just try and look at it from a different perspective. I put up a post and people help me and encourage me not to give up. I do my best to help others with their problems and I realise that we’re all the same. We’ve all had bad days and weeks. I feel as good after helping someone too because I realise how much I have actually learned myself and that can be motivating too. I write in my diary too about things and that helps me to have a stern word with myself and tell myself to cop on , I go through what I have acheived and how I’m going to look and it really helps. hope this is helpful ~ Solas[/quote]
[quote]I used to go into supermarket and for every KG I lost I put bag of sugar into basket , every week it was getting heavier , and OH Boy how good it felt to put it back up on the shelf and walk away , I started may LAST yr for a family wedding , I was 15 st , I lost 4st by September , I have 1st put back on but I am working on that now again, It can and will be done GO GIRLS ~ Julie[/quote]
[quote]I personally browse online clothing stores and look at clothes I want to wear when I get to my goal. That is what keeps me going. I also plan to treat myself for every stone or half stone I lose and that helps me e.g. manicure, hair extensions, new bag etc etc. If you are having a bad day and feel like you are going to blip…go out for a walk first..clear your head and think hard about why you want to blip and also, think about how you will feel after you have blipped…..you might find that by the time you return home, you no longer have an urge to blip Think about your health and how happy you will be when you get to your goal. xXx[/quote]
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Please leave a comment below, I will be personally replying, let me know how you got your mojo back! What was your motivation??
AHH Thanks for using my MOJO comment 🙂
Ahhhh Thank you for being YOU! 🙂 LOVE You Julie xox
This has really helped me to focus on what I want …. Thank you for this blog x
Yay!! Im so happy to hear that Patricia!! Lets get this show on the road. xx
I have recently started a blog, the info you offer on this website has helped me tremendously. Thanks for all of your time work.
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